Mon- I got my haircut by a member of the ward and she did a great job. Much better than I could have done if I just took the hairclipper to myself. I got it in a fauxhawk because it looks better than just shaving it all off like most missionaries do. To finish off the night we went to the Tarbox's house for dinner and as usual the 2 boys were crazy as can be but I love 'em so much. They are STUDS. They are such good examples to me and their mom. They want to serve missions and always ask us great questions about ours.
Tues- We taught Sister Durgin (70ish year old woman who is physically handicapped) and we read through the story of Laban in the Book of Mormon. (1 Nephi 4-6.)
After that lesson we had to rush over to a move that was happening and they really needed our help. We helped an elderly woman around the same age as Sister Durgin move downstairs to an apartment that is identical to her old one upstairs. So this was the easiest move I've ever done because you pick something up from upstairs and walk downstairs and put it in the exact same spot in the lower apartment. Only part that was tough was you could tell she had cats and you could tell she hasn't cleaned in a good 5+ years so there were cat hairs that were piled into mini pancakes. There was one where it was so tough and compact that you could pick it up and drop it and it would make a sound on the ground when it hit.... THAT'S A LOT OF CAT HAIR!!! I always knew I didn't like cats, but doing that made it so much more clear to me that I don't ever want a cat! Dogs are so much better. And after that we helped another Less-Active lady winterize her home for the upcoming winter. Even though she is bailing out to Florida for the whole winter...
Wed- Every Wednesday from 11am-12:30pm we have a district meeting where all the missionaries in the local area meet together and have a meeting on how the work is going and a short lesson on a subject in the gospel. This week we were told to put our heads down and reflect on your so called 'happy place' is. My mind immediately went to the ocean and of me sitting on my bodyboard just looking at the horizon for an upcoming set of waves. I always knew that was a place where I am happy and comfortable and it just affirmed it to me that it is a place of mine that I will always be able to go. The lesson was on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and I forgot how the happy place came into the lesson but what I got out of it was that I gave up what makes me so called 'happy' to help other find what makes them happy. And in doing so I found so many other ways to make myself happy opposed to just the one of me surfing in the ocean.
You're under arrest for not eating your turnips!! |
For dinner we went to a member family named the Goves and they fed us Deer Meatloaf with homemade/homegrown peas, potatoes, and corn. Their son Normand Gove is a cop and he stopped by to hang out for a little bit. I wanted to get a picture of him handcuffing me so I asked him and he said sure thing haha. So that explains the picture of me handcuffed on the ground! As for the dinner, a lot of what we get fed out here is homegrown because everyone has gardens and because the soil out here is so nutrient, none of the gardens ever fail! (you must like that mom :)
Thurs- We did tons of street contacting this day and tons of tracting. In the end of the day no one was interested in meeting with us again and there were no potential people who would be interested. But we did talk to a lot of nice people who listened to a little bit of what we had to say. Which is a nice change of things. It's funny sometimes because you go up to talk to someone and ask them if they would be interested in learning more about Jesus Christ and why he is important and the classic answer is "I'm all set" and they walk away, but sometimes we get dumbfounded when someone says "Sure." So those are the moments we want to happen but sometimes we forget what it feels like and are surprised when it happens. We also had dinner this night with the former bishop of the ward Butch Dawbin and his family. He is a member missionary! He will do anything for the missionaries so that is good to know and we can use him in our teaching.
Fri- We did more street contacting this day and it was a really muggy day full of rain and humid heat. Not comfortable at all and because the weather was like that not many people were outside. We walked around for 2 hours looking for people to talk to and only found a total of 6... We are encouraged to stay away from knocking on people's doors because that always upsets people and doesn't give us a good image. Sometimes the work out here is discouraging but the good parts of the day overshadow the bad moments and I forget what the bad was even like (haha) so that is definitely a blessing. This night we were taken out to dinner by a member to a steakhouse! It was called Texas Roadhouse and it was really good and I got ribs!! So that was a positive part of the day that uplifted us from our day of street contacting in the rain without umbrellas because there aren't any in the apartment. (But we will get some so that doesn't happen again.)
Sat- Did some more street contacting in the morning and talked to a biker who drove down to the Key West in Florida and back this summer all on his Harley Davidson. He told us he likes what we do but said he is catholic and his mother would kill him if he were to learn more from us.... This man is in his 40's and he said his mom would kill him haha. I thought that was funny. We helped another member of the ward move this day and we found some golf balls in his apartment so we will use those this upcoming winter to knock on doors with. (That way they don't have to take off their gloves to knock on the door...) After that we went to the Keene's home (related to the Goves) and helped them split wood and stack it. Because we are in Maine, the weather changes every 5 minutes and randomly it started to thunder and lightning and it started to pour on us so we went inside and ate breakfast for dinner. Found out I'm more of a sausage guy rather than a bacon guy... Which one are you? Bacon or Sausage?
Sun- We taught a class on the Law of chastity and that made things interesting. We used Genesis 39 and the example of Joseph and Potipher's wife. And how he wanted to stay virtuous and stay chaste before marriage. To end the day we had dinner at the cops house (Normand Gove) and he told us all these stories of his hunts and all the animals he has killed. He eats them all and keeps their pelts so he is a good hunter unlike the hunters who kill just for the fun of it. He is the one who shot that black bear that was stuffed into a box in the freezer. He is an awesome guy and served a mission in California.
This is the bear stuffed into a box in the freezer... (Ewww!) |
This is all I got for this week. This upcoming Wednesday I am able to watch Meet the Mormons and then on Friday there is a ward trunk or treat so I am excited for that. Thanks for all the emails and letters!!!!
All Smiles,
Elder Dahlberg
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