Monday, September 8, 2014

Another miracle about fishes...

We had a very busy week, so we were a bit tired...

  This week literally flew by, it was great! So first things first is Elder Hansen and I are trying our best to be 100% obedient to the mission rules because our mission president promised us that miracles would happen if we did so. Also as a side goal we have been praying for prepared people to be placed in our path so that we can have more people to teach. So with that being said this past Tuesday we had loads of things planned and lots of Members were going to come out with us to our teaching appointments and it was just going to be fabulous. Well turned out that every little thing possible canceled and that left us blank... It kinda destroyed our motivation because we did the classic "How could you do this to me GOD?" But we both have strong enough testimonies and smart enough brains to just move on and not dwell on the negative. So we called some people that we were going to stop by and hopefully set up return appointments and just started on our back up plans which was finding Less-Actives and seeing whats going on with them. Well no success and we knew we were trying our best to be productive with the time we have been given. Then a Less-Active lady named Sister Bullis, (Her husband is one of our investigators named Allen Bullis) called and asked if we would like to come over for dinner and it would be fresh fish. We of course accepted and went on over and had a great dinner with corn and fresh tomatoes and potato salad and homemade blueberry pie. We then read scriptures with them after dinner because they told us they needed to start getting into the habit. That was such a great way to cover the cruddy day of cancellations.  Then, there is more to the story which really impressed both Elder Hansen and I.

     So this past fast and testimony Sunday, Sister Bullis went up and told the background story of having us over. She and her husband were fishing on a lake and her husband asked if they could have the missionaries over for dinner to share the 8 fish that they had caught. Sister Bullis said that she didn't really want us to come over because she didn't want to cook and then said "We don't have enough fish to feed them and unless the Lord gives us more fish we can't have them over." Well in the time they had left on the lake they caught 40 fish total! She said she laughed and knew that the missionaries needed to be fed. So they called us and invited us over. After that story she bore her testimony about us and she talked about how she loved the lesson and spirit we brought with us. It was so great to hear that. Also Anthony Halley, went up and bore his testimony about us and it was just great to hear the appreciation of all the ward for us.

     The ward reacted by signing up like crazy for meals this week and next so we are almost completely booked this week for member meals!

     Also this week we were able to pick up a new investigator named Sean E*****, his wife is a member and he wanted to meet with us weekly because he likes what we do. SO that was great. With all the cancellations this week we weren't able to meet with Andrew P**** or Glen or Rebecca. So hopefully this week we can get some good lessons in and help them progress in the gospel. We have a great week this upcoming week and I'm excited for what lies in store.

     I am loving every moment of my mission, (Even when your whole entire day cancels on you) and I wouldn't trade this experience for all the money in the world. And when I say that, I'm serious. I wouldn't do it. :) Mosiah 2:17  
(For behold, I tell you things that ye may learn wisdom, that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.)
They ended up with a stalemate

A very cool General Store!

Very funny clown glasses!  It's the inner Drew...
I bet he's saying, "YOU didn't write me a letter, did you?"

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