Dear Friends and Family,
Sorry, I got busy again and didn't get this out on time. I hope you enjoy it still!
Hello Everybody! First off i would like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes! I tried to get back to as many of you as possible but if i didn't than you didn't deserve it..... Just kidding :)
I have been having a great Birthday so far too. I had peanut butter with bananas for breakfast and than subway for lunch and a member of our ward is taking us to 5 guys for dinner and than at 7:30 we are going to the Derrs for FHE and she said she is making me a cake :). Thank you for the presents! i opened them this morning.
Happy 19th Birthday Elder Dahlberg! |
We just moved into our very nice apartment that i am proud to say i picked out all by myself (with a little help from my last companion). It is a 3 floor duplex with 2 bedrooms a bath and a full size kitchen. On Valentines day we got all settled in the new apartment. There is no mold on the walls, there is a fan in the bathroom so it doesn't smell like #2 all the time, the carpet is clean and doesn't smell like stinky feet, we can control our heat and it is perfect 68 degrees at all times, the kitchen is big enough so elder dean and i are touching butts when cooking food, we have our own washer and dryer and now i was able to wash all my sheets and bedding which feels great!, there is an extra room that we do workouts in in the mornings and that really helps jump start our day. A cool thing about our new apartment is that in 1969 a member of our ward used to live at that address. that goes to show what a small city (i think its a town) Bath is.
54 Office Drive, Bath ME 04530 |
The downstairs entry room |
Their kitchen... huge improvement! |
The back porch... looks slippery! |
Upstairs bedroom
Study Corner!! |
So this past week has been pretty crazy due to moving apartments and the big winter storm that just hit. This storm let off a good 8 inches of snow and than it rained right after. Being from San Diego when it was raining i was like Yes! its going to melt the snow and it wont be there anymore... WRONG! What the rain does is it freezes the light fluffy snow into solid blocks of ice and than it freezes onto every surface. Door knobs, the welcome mats outside, the roads, sidewalks, trees, bushes, handrails, cars, and even my face. After the rain stops everything has a centimeter layer of ice on it and it looks pretty awesome. but its slippery. If you are ever wondering what I'm doing while its snowing, i am outside bundled up with lots of layers out shoveling people out. With this recent storm Elder dean and I headed out with shovels and shoveled peoples driveways and helped people who got stuck out of the main roads. The people who get stuck are always the people who don't have 4 wheel drive. Usually older women, usually driving a Prius. I hope that narrowed down who needs help out on the roads!
On Wednesday after our District meeting we went to a Hibachi grill for district lunch and it was really good. Elder jensen our district leader told the waitress that my birthday was coming up so they came our and sang happy birthday for me and let me hit a big chinese gong.
Whipped cream and chocolate swirl on a plate?? |
Part of the district at restaurant
I had a week full of shoveling snow and service for others. Oh and Alex (our only investigator) is moving out of our area to lewiston. So we will miss him... We have to give him up to the elders in that area.
We have transfers coming up this next week so this may be my last week in the Bath area. I find out on Saturday. So wish me luck!
Sister Youland made him this tote bag. (She used to work for LL Bean!)
This is our district p day last Monday. We went bowling and i got 3 strikes in a row at the end. It was great to play a sport haha.
that is a CARDINAL~!!!!!!!! |
Thanks again for all the love that was sent my way.
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