The weather here is pretty gross if you ask me. It randomly rains and then it gets freezing cold and then its sunny but still cold and then it snows a little. then all the water on the ground freezes and its slippery and icy everywhere. haha thats new england for you. Cold and slippery. I havent fallen on my toosh yet so thats good. (knock on wood).
Other Christmas items could be, electric razer, a small lego set, a CD called the Work, send me another one of the orange journals that we bought, a picture of you at Marine Street ;) some cool ties, thats all that i can think of right now haha. I dont really want material things, to be honest. I just want to have a good Christmas season so if you have any ideas that will boost my experience, by all means go for it :) I only need 1 bag of trail mix. so send just 1. Okay now for the real letter
Last tuesday i was on an exchange will elder swalberg. We taught 3 lessons and they were all to investigators. All of them turned out great. We taught a family that was wondering how they can raise their kids in a high moral valued society. We talked to them about family traditions and i told them about our tradition one year where we went to tijuana and gave food to the needy. They really loved that and it turns out they came to church this past sunday. That was all in Dameriscotta. On our exchange elder swalberg and i made bannana bread and called it "baking with the bergs." Ill attach a picture. Haha pretty awesome. Elder Swalberg is a great missionary. (He is waiting for his Visa to go to Brazil)
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Can you believe it? Elders Dahlberg and Swalberg! |
Baking time with the 'bergs! |
In Bath, my area. WE have NO new investigators and 0 progressing investigators. WE are trying SO hard to share the gospel with people but they just dont want it. There are people that are struggling to keep their families together and they still shun us off. What they dont realize is that this gospel can help them. this gospe can help anybody through anything, because its centered on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He atoned for our sins and he knows every feeling, sorrow, or pain that we go through and he can help us through that trial. We as missionaries try to tell people that but they dont want to listen.
On Thanksgiving Elder lund and i went to the ward turkey bowl. we were not aloud to play in it but we went to be cheer leaders. We had pom poms and we cheered our little hearts out. Being in Maine, the kids arent too athletic because the weather outside sucks almost all the time so they are good at playing instruments. The old guys whooped the young mens butts like crazy. it was so hard for me to just stand on the side line and watch my fellow young men just get slaughtered by the older guys haha.
Rah! Rah! Zis Boom Bah! Goooooo team! |
After that we went to the youlands for lunch and then dessert. She atteempted the Key lime pie but she used sugar free pudding and it jus didnt turn out right. It tasted similar but it didnt have the creamy texture to it and there were chunks.Still tasted good and i ate the whole thing, but not like how Grandma Dahlberg makes it. haha i sound funny saying that.
Pretty funny hats! Yummy looking Turkey! |
After the youlands we went to the Mullin Jr's home in Phippsburg. Its on the coast of maine and we were in a beautiful house on the waterfront. I have pictures. We ate lots of yummy food and it was just great.
Drew said that guy in the back was "chugging grease"??? |
Beautiful scenery from Phippsburg |
Not alot more happened this week other than another guy in our ward died so i will be going to his funeral on wednesday.
Yesterday we had the chance to stop by a part member families home to read scriptures and after we did that their son Hank challenged us to a nerf gun war. So being the cool missionary i am, i accepted. We had a blast shooting each other up and we really made a impact on Hank, both physically and spiritually. haha
So i remember you telling me to accomplish 2 goals.
1.) get 2 new investigators
2.) Finish BOM within the transfer.
I did the second one! Today i finished the book of mormon for the first time cover to cover. It was so great to read all of the writings and the history of the ancient people of the americas. There were so many wars and trials, but it all depended on where the people had their foundation. If they had it in Jesus Christ they always came out happy and things worked out. But if they had their foundation in something else they always seemed to hate and be mad about everything. They would be mad and then steal or kill or adultdery someone. (Adultery someone? haha)
Anyways thats all i have for now. Im sorry your Thanksgiving didnt turn out all that great but if it makes you happy, i had an awesome thanksgiving and it was a really uplifing experience for me. I wasn't miserable or anything. I love you Mom and I know you know that. I just like telling you. :) (That's OK, I like hearing it!)
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Elder Dahlberg's District Bath ME Nov. 2013 |
Bowling activity |
Whaaaa! I miss my boy!!! |
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