Monday, July 14, 2014

So the members really like me haha which is good!

Elders Dahlberg and Lervold

     So this week actually went by pretty fast. We stayed pretty busy and taught a good amount of lessons. The weather was also nice this week. The only day it rained was Sunday night and that was at 9PM when we were driving home from a lesson. Funny story: While we were driving home we kept seeing these jumping green things in the road and we were like what are those? It was hard to tell because of all the rain hitting the windshield but turned out they were frogs. So we were on the highway going 55+ and there are all these jumping green things in the road as were driving and we cant just swerve around them because we would crash so... every time we saw one in our path we just braced for impact and wished the frog good riddance... Biggest one we hit was probably softball size... hahahaha gross but funny.

     Just for your information my current area called Ascutney Vermont covers towns in both New Hampshire and Vermont. Some towns we cover are Windsor, Charlestown, Wapole, Springfield, Newport, and a little town called Drewsville! We haven't made it to that town yet but we will someday! Windsor is actually the birthplace of Vermont, it was founded in 1777. Usually everyday we cross over the Connecticut river which is the border of New Hampshire and Vermont to go to our appointments.

     This week we received a media referral from Salt Lake Utah that told us to go see a guy named Andrew P**** because he wants a Book of Mormon. So we called him up and met with him. He is in his late 50's and is an Army retiree who is looking for a church where he and his wife can be comfortable and be supported by its members. So we invited him to church and gave him his own personal copy and he told us "I'm going to read this entire thing!" and that was the first time i had ever really heard enthusiasm and excitement coming from someone that wanted to learn. I'm excited to see what happens next, we hope to see him at church this Sunday.

     Some types of service that we do in this area is helping out in a mom and pop restaurant called Simply Comfort, and on a farm. We are hoping to do more service for the community and we are looking for ways we can do that, We applied at the local hospital to see if anyone needed visitors and we are going to try the local food pantry/ soup kitchen this week. On Thursdays we do service on a farm. The owners name is Bob P****** and he is in his late 50's and was investigating the church but now just needs our help. He is paralyzed on his left side so his left arm and leg don't work at all. He is a really nice guy and he gets around the farm just as well as we do; he just can't really lift anything. So we helped him clean his chicken coop, his horse stall, mow the lawn, and stack firewood. We also ate wild black berries that were growing on his property. Its awesome because he grows blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries and they are starting to show up so we will be able to eat freshly grown berries in these next couple of weeks.

      Something funny that is going on is that I am hearing all sorts of good things about me and how much more they like me than the last missionary that was in this area. I hear all the gossip and all the true feelings of the members start to come out when the last missionary left and I came in. So the members really like me haha which is good!

     This week we also helped a lady in our ward move out of her house and we got it all packed up in the U-haul and all ready to go and than the lady can't remember where she put the keys... So she is frantically running around trying to find the keys and we are looking everywhere, I even looked in the toilet! It got to the point where we needed to leave to go to another appointment and after we left she gave up and decided to call a locksmith to make her another key. Haha so they got one made and as far as i know all went well after that.

     That's all I have for now! Thanks for the letters and pictures they are much appreciated!

Stay Classy San Diego!
Elder Drew Dahlberg

The license plates are LDS 1 and LDS 2!

This lady is from Finland and talks just like Sister Wetherald!

The cleaner apartment..

Such a nicely made bed!!

Well, the couch has seen better days!!

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