Sister Helen Stockwell was baptized by her husband, Jason. |
This week we also were able to find a new investigator. She is a single mom of 2 kids ages 9 and 6. She is into the classic video games like pac man and things like that and she is looking for something good to raise her kids in. We have a lesson set up for her on Tuesday and we are going to try and get her to come to church this next Sunday. Another awesome thing happened this week for Anthony H**** our 12 year old investigator. His mom okayed for him to be baptized and we have a date set for him on the 17th of August. His older brother Mike will probably be the one to baptize him. His older brother served in Buenos Aires South mission in Argentina which is the same place my mom went, (I think). (This is correct!)
This past week some service we did was on the farm with Bob Porter. He is the man who is paralyzed on his whole left side. But what i got to do was herd some cows!!!! It was so cool. We needed to move them to a different pasture because they ate all the grass in their current one. So i got to be the backer and herd all the cows to the new pasture. Also on the farm he is growing raspberries and black berries and blueberries and i got to eat freshly picked berries from right off the vine. He let me take some home and i had some on yogurt which was just as good! I also split and stacked wood for 2 and a half hours on Saturday for a man who is actually an investigator named Brother Dube. he is very sick and has those oxygen tubes running up his nose and he cant do anything. So we helped him out with his wood and have plans to help him out some more this coming week.
This coming week is full of plans, here is a short list
Mon- Dinner with a member family, Companion Exchange, i will be with Elder Martineu till wed.
Tuesday- Lesson with Glen (Inv) also a lesson with Rebecca (New Inv) then dinner with a member. then going on Hometeaching splits with members
Wed- District meeting then service at simply comfort, then dinner with a member, then pick weeds at the church with young men
Thurs- Bob Porter service, Give blessing to a member, Dinner with member, home teaching splits again
Fri- Dinner with member family, Lesson with a recent convert named Ashley W****
Sat- Spread mulch at the church, Split wood for Bro Dube, than go to the boons and help a member family with house work, dinner with them
Sun- Church @10 am- then lesson with Anthony H****.-After they will feed us.
That's all for the week so far. I'm excited!!! Also thanks for the letters, i really appreciate them and it really brightens my day. Hopefully i didn't leave you all dumbfounded and that this letter was clear and easy to read. My English is fading because I've been in New England for so long. Next thing I'll start calling pizza "peetzer." (Mainer talk)
Pictures for the week:
We did this for a good 2 and a half hours. My jeans were literally soaked and i could have rung it out and gotten some sweat drops..... Yeah hard work
From their hike this week...