(I told him about our week of fire-watching...)
Glad im out here in Maine where i don't think a fire could start if i tried. It has been super rainy all weekend and its still going on now. 3 days of non stop rain. I'm not sure which extreme i like more. Super hot or super gross.... Hmmmm which one has the beach??? I choose the super hot one.
Big News!!!!
SO i am not getting transferred out of Old Town Maine, neither is my awesome cowboy companion Elder Beck! We were so happy we got to stay another transfer together. This last transfer we set a record for number of Less-Active Lessons with 48. Although numbers don't mean anything its just fun to count them.
Usually for these big emails i have things written out on paper that i want to talk about but im just winging it this week because i didn't have time to make a list. So i will go through the days. Last Monday we got to go to a potential investigators house who loves biking and is into skateboarding. his name is Paul and he is a math teacher at UMaine. he has a bike course in his back yard and we rode bikes on the course and hung out there the whole rest of P-Day. Then we finished the night at the S******* house and read scriptures with them as a family. They are a part member family, the father isn't a member but he joined us which was wicked cool.
Tuesday we met with a less active who bought us Chinese food and told us he doesn't exactly believe in God. That was a shock to us because he is a member of our church and believes that.
Wednesday, we helped put together a bed for a member of our ward who cant physically do it himself, Than we went to the MacDonald's for dinner and they had us make home made ice cream. It was fun and super good!!! I cranked for a good 30 minutes for that.
Making ice cream at the Macdonalds house.
Thursday- we had district meeting and than helped a member out with his truck, we put brake pads on his car, than had dinner at one of our investigators houses and the dessert was s'mores and they challenged us to do the chubby bunny challenge with marshmallows so we did after the lesson haha. (I have a video but its too large to send over email so you will have to wait until i send the SD card home)
Friday- we had a great day, we tracted into a really nice guy who wants to know the purpose in life but doesn't want to give up drinking at all so we will see how that works out. Than we had the family scripture study again at the S******* and the father said the opening prayer which shocked all of us.
Saturday we split lots of wood for a member of our ward, in the pouring rain and we felt like super lumberjacks because we were chopping wood in the pouring rain!
Here is the family that we helped split wood for. |
We did a lesson on the armor of God and had his kids dress him in Armor.
Sunday- i was asked to give a talk with less than 24 hours to prepare and i literally got up to the pulpit and spoke for 15 minutes all about my experiences and from what i felt the congregation needed to hear. Spirit helped me with that. I wasn't nervous one bit, i am actually getting super familiar with standing in front of lots of people and talking. than we had a lesson with one of our internigators, (investigators who have been investigating for a long time) named K**** F*****. He is a 50ish year old man who just finished his PhD in why people act on their feelings. He is very smart and very logical in everything he does. We talked about baptism and he told us he is ready to be baptized so we asked him the questions and it went amazing. He is so knowledgeable of the church and bible, he should be the one teaching me! he knows that much. But the sad thing is he is moving to Washington D.C on Thursday to be involved with politics. We are handing him off to those missionaries... But its all good.
This past week was so good. I am really enjoying my time here on the mission even when the weather sucks. Plans for this week:
Mon- P-day, play basketball go out to eat steak bombs haha
Tuesday- service at thrift shop, go to boy scouts to help teach/ see a 12 year old kid who is somewhat interested in learning about the church
Wednesday- Dinner at a members house who cooks great food (same one where we made ice cream), not a whole lot else planned.
Thursday- lesson with an investigator, dinner with an investigator.
That's my plans for the week.
And i found that plaque thing at a thrift shop and they gave it to me for free.!!!
Isn't that cool!
All love, Elder Dahlberg